Maltagliati in turmeric broth with pumpkin and chickpeas



Serving portions



For the spelt maltagliati pasta
100g spelt flour
100g whole wheat flour
2 fresh eggs
1 pinch of salt
1/2 eggshell filled with white wine


3 pumpkin wedges (about 300g)
250g of already boiled chickpeas
500ml water
1 Bauer Turmeric broth cube
A pinch of hot red pepper
2 garlic cloves
Fresh parsley
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
Extra virgin olive oil as needed
Salt and pepper


Created By: Debora Vivian


  1. Start by preparing the maltagliati pasta. Combine the two sifted flours on a pastry board, arrange them as a well and with two fingers make a hole in the center. Break the two eggs inside the hole, add the white wine and the pinch of salt. With the help of a fork, start beating the eggs incorporating gently and slowly all the surrounding flour. Work with the fork first and then, with your hands knead the mixture vigorously until you obtain a smooth and compact dough. Using a fresh pasta maker, make rectangular sheets, stopping at thickness no. 7. Using a toothed cutter wheel, cut the sheets into strips and then into diamond-like shape, giving the maltagliati pasta an irregular size. Dust with some flour, place the pasta on a clean cloth and leave it to dry for about 1 hour.
  2. Prepare the turmeric broth by dissolving one Bauer Turmeric broth cube in 500ml of water. As soon as it is ready, cook for a few minutes to flavor over low heat and then set aside. Peel the pumpkin, wash it and cut it into cubes. In a large saucepan place the whole garlic crushed, the red hot pepper chopped (or dry) and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and leave to brown gently. Add the pumpkin cubes, the fresh parsley and the drained chickpeas. Sauté for a moment and then pour the turmeric broth just enough to cover everything. Continue cooking by adding broth a little at a time if necessary and letting the pumpkin and chickpeas become nice and soft. Lastly, add the maltagliati pasta and cook it. It will take about 5 minutes, but you can adjust with the remaining broth to obtain a more creamy or liquid dish. Serve and garnish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and some chopped fresh parsley. Serve immediately.


NOTE: you can use dry chickpeas rather than in a can, keeping in mind that you will need to soak them for about 12 hours and then boil them.