Ginger pumpkin cream with cubes of buckwheat polenta and crispy sausage crumbs



Serving portions



Ingredients for the cream
900 grams clean pumpkin (net of waste)
700 ml boiling water
150 grams sausage (not spicy)
80 ml dry white wine
2 small potatoes
3 sage leaves
1 carrot
1 Bauer Bio ginger stock cube
1/2 Bauer vegetable soffritto frying cube
1/4 white onion
Extra virgin olive oil, as needed
Salt and pepper, to taste


Ingredients for the polenta
1 liter of water
250 grams buckwheat flour for instant polenta
1 full tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 pinch of salt
1 chunk of butter


Created By: Simona Milani
Pensieri e pasticci


  1. First, prepare the polenta by bringing the water to a boil and then adding the salt and then olive oil. At this point pour the buckwheat flour in a very thin stream mixing vigorously with a whisk to blend well and prevent lumps from occurring.
  2. Continue to mix with the whisk until the polenta is cooked (about 5-7 minutes). Once cooked, add the butter, but always keep mixing.
  3. Grease a pan measuring about 30×40 cm with a drizzle of oil, pour the warm and soft polenta into the pan, leveling it and let it cool so that it hardens a little bit. Once cold and firm, using a sharp knife cut the polenta into 2.5 cm cubes, making them as regular as possible.
    Place them on a baking sheet and toast them in a hot oven under the grill for a few minutes.
  4. Cut the pumpkin pulp into medium size cubes. Peel the potatoes and the carrot, wash them well and cut them into cubes as well.
  5. In a thick-bottom casserole suitable for longer cooking times, brown the thinly sliced onion with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, the half Bauer vegetable soffritto frying cube and the two sage leaves.
    Add the diced pumpkin, carrot and potato mixing well to flavor everything. Add the white wine and reduce to evaporate the alcohol. Add the boiling water, the bio ginger stock cube, cover with a lid to continue cooking.
  6. Cook on low heat for half an hour. Check for the softness of the vegetables by pricking them with a fork. If the broth is too dry, add some boiling water.
  7. At this point, using an immersion blender, blend everything obtaining a soft, thicker cream.
    In a non-stick pan, crumble the sausage from which you have removed the skin, and cook it for a few minutes over high heat so as to make it nice and crunchy, and ready to complete your dish.
  8. Pour the hot pumpkin cream into four consommé cups (or four soup plates). Distribute some polenta cubes in it, some crumbly crunchy sausage and serve immediately garnishing the dish with some fresh sage leaves.